People who share a particular interest (e.g. other bball fans, magic card players, etc.)
Anime, manga
Collective Memories Shareouts...
A time you got hurt / a scar story.
A funny time you got in trouble in class — that other folks will remember too.
Each write 1 stories of a time when you cooked something.
E.g. The time I —
...tried to learn how to cook
...burnt the toast
...Ate something gross that someone else cooked.
...made my mom breakfast in bed
...baked amazing cookies
...forgot to add yeast to a cake
Session 2
Stories & Collective Memory
3 people share cooking stories
Examples of well-told stories…
Ms. Divine (watch 2x)
write down specific things that you think makes it great
Karen Juday
write down specific things that you think makes it great
Brainstorm: What makes a great telling of a story? Do you know a great storyteller? Share.
Go-to Stories
E.D. Share Out — learning to tell a good story + study abroad story
Brainstorm story you want to tell well with person sitting next to you and then share in 1 sentence what the story is to group.
Share with someone: What is a story that you've heard many times about yourself?
Practice that story back-and-forth 3 times and give each other feedback
Shareout with group
Session 3
Memory Collage
Rule: Only Tape
Rule: Can only tape down stories
Once you've written and taped down at least 3-5 stories, look at other people's collages. Use post-its to write and add yourstories about their topics to their collage.